26-29 SEP, 2024, ICC

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Beyond Shocks: Now and the Future of ICD and CRT-D

Chairpersons: Dr. Suneet Mittal and Dr. T. S. Kler
Please join our experts as they:
  • Review and update current ICD and CRT-D product evidence and clinical practice including TYRXTM, Attain StabilityTM Quad, and Intrinsic ATPTM
  • Discuss on EV-ICDTM and the future of ICD and CRT-D therapy
2 mins
Opening remarks
Dr. Suneet Mittal
4 mins
Dr. Gilbert Florentino
14 mins
Attain Stability Quad
Dr. Kohei Ishibashi
14 mins
Dr. Ki Hong Lee
14 mins
Aurora EV-ICD
Prof. Hung-Fat Tse
10 mins
Panel Discussion
Dr. Abdul Raqib bin Abd Ghani and Adj. A/Prof. David Foo
2 mins
Closing Remarks
Dr T.S Kler


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