26-29 SEP, 2024, ICC

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Conduction System Pacing Summit

Chairperson: Prof. Kenneth Ellenbogen
Please join our experts as they:
  • Review the patient selection considerations and key clinical evidence for Conduction System Pacing
  • Discuss the implant procedure tips for Left Bundle Branch Area Pacing
  • Present case studies and demonstrations of lead deployment and catheter shaping
  • Conduct case simulations during the break in room C3.2
10 mins
Welcome & Introductions
Dr. Robert Kowal
20 mins
Next Era of Pacing
Dr. Robert Kowal
20 mins
LBBAP Evolution and Patient Selection
Prof. Kenneth Ellenbogen
20 mins
APHRS Guidlines on Physiological Pacing
Prof. Rajeev Pathak
30 mins
How to Perform Conduction System Pacing
Prof. Shunmuga Sundaram Ponnusamy
20 mins
Key to Conductions System Pacing Success
Prof. Pugazhendhi Vijayaraman
45 mins
Lunch or Optional case simulations Room C3.2
1 hour 15 mins
Case Presentation and Panel Q&A
Chairperson: Prof. Kenneth Ellenbogen & Prof. Pugazhendi

Speaker 1: Prof. Shunmuga Sundaram Ponnusamy
Speaker 2: Prof. Weijian Huang
Speaker 3: Adj. A/Prof. Seow Swee Chong
Speaker 4: Dr. Vincent Deen
Speaker 5: A/Prof. Uwais Mohamed
20 mins
Live Practical Demonstrations
Pugazhendhi Vijayarraman and Paul Van Ryzin
10 mins
Closing Remarks
Kenneth Ellenbogen


Key dates