26-29 SEP, 2024, ICC

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From RF to PF, the Recent Advances in Catheter Ablation

Chairpersons: Dr. Cao Jiang and Dr. Minglong Chen
Please join our experts as they:
  • Delve into the role of Radiofrequency (RF) in the era of Pulsed Field (PF), providing insights into the evolving landscape of catheter ablation techniques
  • Explore the paradigm shift brought about by Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA), shedding light on the transformative impact of this technique
  • Examine the initial real-world data on catheter ablation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation using the novel lattice-tip focal pulsed-field ablation catheter. This segment will offer a deep dive into practical applications and outcomes of this innovative approach
5 mins
Opening remarks
Dr. Minglong Chen
15 mins
What's the role of RF in the era of PF
Dr. Usman Siddiqui
20 mins
Initial real-world data on catheter ablation in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation using the novel lattice-tip focal pulsed-field ablation catheter
Prof. Boris Schmidt
15 mins
Pulsed Field Ablation: A Paradigm Shift in Catheter Ablation
Dr. Devi Nair
5 mins
Closing Remarks
Dr. Cao Jiang


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